PGIL's strategy can be summarised in three powerfulwords: 'High Development Impact'
Which is to say, the starting premise is how much change the project can bring to the region and economy, where it is implemented.
PGILis totallyfocussed on delivering innovative, agile and sustainable ways ofbringing about high development impact. Its unique blended finance approach ensures a value for money proposition and hence long-term viabilityofeveryproject
PGIL's investment strategy is decidedly holistic. The company stays invested right through the entire project lifecycle - from conceptualand early stages through rollout and operation. Thereby creating investment-ready, bankable infrastructure opportunities that not only fulfil their core purpose but also empower local capability and capacity. At every step enhancing value foreverystakeholder
Universality of benefit is uppermost in PGIL's priorities. Every project must create tangible benefits for as many people, communities, businesses and if possible, the entire nation. That is why the company is attracted to large-scale infrastructure associated with economic zones, such as renewable energy and water-related projects, housing, healthcare and agriculture.